So I'm making a mask, and in one point of the mask I need to cover it in resin. my mask's base is made out of cardboard.
Well it also depends if its an A show or not. But to add on to what people have said. Hunters: Tan breetches Black or velvet helmet Tall boots rat catcher (show shirt) show jacket hair net sock of course :) BUT some shows all you have to ware is a polo shirt, breetches, helmet and boots. And thats usually what you ware if you do jumpers!
I'm all for a revamp of them. Personally, I know two people, for a fact, who are on SS and Medicaid due to 'health' reasons (one being mental) and are not worthy of it. One is completely faking it and the other is overplaying their situation. The second one even has a handicapped tag for her car and her husband uses it all the time. Report them, you say? A mutual friend tried with the 'mental' one; you need to know the SS number of the person in order to get the ball rolling. lol! I am sick and tired of paying for these kind of people. Aren't you? Such a huge waste of my hard earned tax dollars.
I think a cute idea to bring in more color besides the black and white and red would be to put a tree in the corner (a mural or one of those giant wall art stickers) and have a ladder going up it with a fireman rescuing a kitten stuck in the tree. You can go to Build A Bear and get a teddy bear and dress it in a firefighter's uniform. Look for the firefighter raincoats and rainboots that would make good props- and be practical in a few years when he can use them. You may have a hard time finding BABY items, so just look for children's or other items and use the colors in the baby's bedding. Maybe have a fire hydrant spraying (mural) on the wall near the tree? Perhaps with children at play. You can buy or rent a digital projector and use it to outline the images on the wall. I would not really want to have a FIRE, it seems a little morbid and inappropriate. Other ideas- a no smoking sign, maybe a forest scene with the Only YOU can prevent forest fires sign and that will allow you to incorporate more colors and even some animals- bears, fox, raccoons, squirrels, birds, deer, etc. I LOVE the name, by the way. My maiden name is Carter and it is a name we considered using for our sons. EDITED TO ADD: Google firetruck catalog and see what you come up with. You would be shocked at the specialty catalogs you can find. I also think that a Precious Moments type cartoon firetruck would be sweet, or firetrucks through the ages and there are even airplanes and boats that extinguish fires so again, another opportunity to keep the same theme but broaden your options. Visit your local fire department, also- they have freebies. A little badge with your city name would be a cute keepsake/decoration. You might get some ideas by visiting as well. Maybe a pole in the corner, and you could hang stuffed animals from it as if they are sliding down the pole?
If you have a crafty friend/ relative, or could do it yourself, maybe you could make a fire hydrant shaped dresser, shelf or toy box? And maybe one of those little mats with the roads on them if you know what I'm talking he can drive his toy cars on it! )