Love: Snowflakes tangled in my hair, snow caked on the bottom of my jeans, skiing!, hot cocoa, pretty snow pictures, and Christmas ]Hate: Cold wind whipping at me when I go outside, snow getting tracked all over the house, icy roads, hats, gloves, heavy jackets, short days, static electricity hair, and power outages.(if it doesn't get cold where you are, what do you love/hate about where you live?)
the only way to keep it locked is to just put on the lock screen, and then turn your ipod off. that way, who ever turns it on will see the lock screen and can't unlock it unless they know your code.
Two major things you are not aware of. First, because of the sun’s size and distance, it’s rays are parallel at the Earth – i.e., do not spread out. Your 2 mile wide satellite will cast a 2 mile wide shadow. Second, you cannot isolate a climatic zone. Every zone is influenced by the neighboring zones. Your solution is far from logical, given the chaotic nature of weather. Even if you could shade the whole of the arctic from the sun, the effects on the rest of the world would be very dramatic, and worse than any effect that global warming will have (and in a shorter term). You need a lot more education before you can even attempt to be logical with something as complex as climate. Study hard.