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What does this bit tell you..?

I love asking these questions! I'm interested in learning about many different bits and their uses. this topic is one of the things I struggle with the most.SO:~ What is the PROPER name for this bit? (As in-depth as possible please.. not just snaffle)~ What does this bit tell you about a horse that is ridden with it?~ Do you most commonly see this as an english bit or a western bit or both?


I don't think he could since the Undertaker, Kane, the Rock, John Cena or Christian couldn't take them down by themselves but with a chair he might be able to.
The locking away part and the demon part does sound a bit like naruto but I love the idea. I have a friend writing a story that is similar but at the same time completely different. I like your idea. Very nice take on the concept.
The locking them away part sounds alot like Naruto

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