When Doodle smiled, he was all there, what does that mean?Also, what was the point of the rubber sheet that Doodle slept on?OMG! I READ IT TWICE AND I STILL DONT GET IT -.-
i know its dumb. i wouldn't ever spend 500 on a shawl. -_- but then, you've got to try to understand why these girls spend so much. the ppl who are rich sometimes judge people by their clothes, and they have to give a good impression etc. all the ppl theyre surrounded by spend so much on clothes.. its just.. human nature to copy others? or they're just fckin spoiled P
im not sure why they dont. stuck up? but yeah its kinda hard to beleive how much people spend on clothes sometimes. even i spend kind of a lot not really though, but i try to limit my self and just buy stuff that is nice, but not too expensive. i buy 40$ jeans or 30 dollar jeans and they seem fine to me
Give them a diaper cake. Or bottles, blankets, onesies, pacifiers, little socks, a gift card to somewhere like Baby's R us, little toys, high chairs, rattles, formula, blanket, pretty much anything. If your not sure on the gender for the baby get colors like green, yellow, and orange.
It bothers me that we - as parents - have allowed our children to demand the clothing/sneakers that cost $200 or $500 dollars. and that we give in to the demands. I can only think that as a childmy single Mother, (Father died at the age of 8) did as much as she could to outweigh the loss. I didn't get $50 jeans or sneakers but she tried to do everything possible to help me fit in with those who had. We were the have nots. My husband came from a well to do family and he did not get top of the line anything. (hmmm maybe that is why they had money.) but when it came to our children.we bought the best sports equipment to ensure their safety. Fortunately, my husband had a job that allowed him to do so for his children. I believe every generation wants better than what they hadand they (the children) might actually loose the lesson of working hard and earning things for yourself. They then have to go out into the real world and realize that the man doesn't care as much for them as the parents do. it's a catch 22.