My daughter was going to a party last weekend and I was looking for a nice shirt for her to wear. Everything looked so grown up I understand that times has changed but i still want my 4 yr daughter to look innocent and cute. Not just like me in a shirt that an adult can wear in a club. And in the summer bikinis for toddlers i understand some parents like to put their girls in two pieces but string bikinis i think I saw them in Old Navy. I said all this to say is it me or does kids clothes look really grown up these days?
When the Fluck was that match made, they have been rivaling with Kane lately, so that doesn't make sense!
Apply for unemployment as soon as you can. Depending on the poor job performance issue it could disqualify you for benefits but let them tell you that. You payed into the unemployment all the years that you have work, therefore you should use the benefit when you need too. If you have children, then you can go to the welfare department. I'm not sure if they help if you don't have children. Depending on your bills, some places have help with these for heating and general items. If you have a phone, you don't make X amount, then you can lower your bill and service by call them. Student loans can be put off if you call the loan company for a time period they have special programs for hardships so that they don't become over due but stop of a period of time. Other then that church's, food banks, and other places can either help with food and some bills or show you were to go to.
Try to anticipate what might be needed for practice sessions. Listen to what the coaching staff asks you to get for them. Always tote the basketballs for away games - that's the one item that players hate to carry. Make sure the first-aid kit is always restocked after every game - your athletic director is the one to notify when you need more band-aids, athletic tape, safety gloves, and those chemical ice bags. (YOU do this instead of the coach's - they already have enough on their minds having to deal with the players. The coaching staff will appreciate it GREATLY.) If your team's players are allowed to carry their own uniforms and shoes to away games, MAKE CERTAIN that everyone has packed what they need - uniform top, uniform shorts, warm-ups (pants and jersey), socks and shoes. You may not be responsible for that - but you WILL get some of the blame.