i am a center so im going to be taking snap and wrist shots the most. but i stil take slapshots.should i get the s17 ($220) or get the dolomite($160-$170), and with the other $50 get a warrior blade and put it in my old snyergy II?
You don't get 100 NHL players to use your stick without paying them just because your stick is trying to be cool. Warrior may be campy with their marketing but the Dolomite is a legitimate stick. Ironically, the S17 is the true gimmick stick between these two. It has a bonded blade just like the Synergy but the shape is oval! That geometry does virtually nothing for performance and the majority of NHL players using S17 sticks are only getting graphic renditions of the stick. They're actually using Stealth CNT's or Synergy SE's with S17 paint jobs. There is no way I would ever drop $220 on an S17. That's just me. With all of the above said, I agree with Jeff that 2-piece sticks are a tremendous value alternative and that Easton makes many outstanding two-piece systems.
Just use the synergy II. with a good blade in there (Easton is best for an easton shaft in terms of compatibility) the Synergy II plays just like the SL. I've always thought that warrior is all flash and graphics with an inferior product. They're just trying to be cool. Easton makes the best stick in the business. Buy a blade for your synergy II and if you need another stick, buy another synergy II. two pieces are cheaper and just as good as most one peice sticks.
#2 broken hose to the rear
Get the S17. I know 2 people who go throw A LOT of sticks, and play center as well. They have had this stick for 4 months now and it is incredible! It is completely worth the money and there is no other stick out there right now that is nearly as good.