Depends on the brand and model of tire, how much you weigh and the riding you do, and what you want ie: more traction or longer wear. The print on the side of the tire is max inflation, probably not to conducive to good handling although the tires may last a bit longer.
Yes, as gross as it is. That is normal. It is just the increase in Iron that causes it. I have had it happen to me when I took Iron.
51 is 100% correct. Once again the numbers on the side wall are max pressures on sport tires, cruisers may be different or why would so many guys post that, but for sportbikes go off of the numbers on the swingarm. If anything those numbers are abit high but not by much.
DItto the ppl on top of mealso, Fe inhibts the absorption of other vits and minerals eg Calcium--- check your Dr