I'm trying to make a small directional wifi antenna. I need a reflective material like aluminum foil but one I can cut with scissors and have it look good. I've seen it before but don't know what it's called. It's thick like construction paper.
No one will notice the scar unless you point it out. :)
The trail of tears when the government force-marched the cherokee nation out of the eastern and southern areas like georgia westward, thousands dies from starvation and exposure. The wounded knee massacre when U.S. army troops opened up on a group of indians performing the ghost dance and killed many. The mass hanging of a large number of Sioux men whose only crime was hunting off the reservation. The use of biological warfare by giving blankets taken from smallpox victims to indian villages and tribes. The breaking of very nearly every single treaty ever signed by the U.S. government with indian nations. The corralling of indians onto reservations where the land was not farmable and the food delivered by the government was often rotten and dangerous to eat. The list goes on and on and on, a fair generalization if there is such a thing would be that during the 19th century (1800's) pretty much every time the U.S. government wanted resources or land they simply took it from the natives and anyone who got in their way they killed, there are some exceptions such as Custer's defeat at little bighorn but in general the natives were treated as if they had no rights.