I am interviewing tomorrow for a position as a laboratory assistant in a histology department. I am not familiar with what media is used for perfoming tests in the histology department. I know in micor the would use stuff such as BAP plates, MAC, EMB, TSI, MRVP, etc.. But do not know what is used in histology laboratory. Any links to a basic overview? Thank you.
You didn't get fired while on FMLA leave. You got fired after you returned. In this situation, there is only one thing that your employer is legally bound to do- make sure you have a job when you return from leave. After that, they are no longer legally bound to employ you nor do they have to give you a reason for terminating you (nor does it have to be fair) because you are an at-will employee unless you live in Montana. Now, what happened to you is very unfair and I would hope that if you explained the situation to them that they would correct it and give you your job back. But if they don't.I think it will be time for you to take a hint- they don't want you working there anymore. And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Sorry, but I would just start looking for another job.
The alarm is now turned on and you can't turn it off without the remote. one or both door locks is bad, or the lock cylinders are broken, and probably the trunk lock, too. Just buying a new remote won't fix your problem if the door locks are bad. It's a switch in the door lock that's bad. If you're a handy sort of person, you could just disconnect the alarm module, and install a jumper wire for the starter interloc wire. The alarm module is above the fuse panel, a silver box with two connectors, hard to get to, too. Big red wire is starter wire. That will stop the alarm.