Two different shaving razors I'm looking to buy have different specs. in terms of the metals used for the blade; one being 1045 surgical stainless steel, the other 440 stainless (not sure if its A B or C, but probably 440A or 440B because it's not specified). So which one is better for the intended use as a shaving razor?
yes a stainless steel 440 knife is really good my uncle bought one back in 1979 and has been having it without any problems the blade is still razor sharp even at 35 years old
Type 440 combines such a high grade of cutlery steel, toughness and economy that it is actually known as razor blade steel. Browsing around (a lot) more, it seems that 1045 Surgical Steel is popular in straight razors used by barbers. These razors are honed by stropping with leather and last practically forever. From the above, I would guess that it might be easier to lose the edge on 1045, but also easier to re-sharpen it, that it won't easily knick because probably not so hard as 440. I'm not sure if it would be more expensive, unless it has a superior handle etc. So, I would expect to spend a little more effort over the lifetime of the 1045, maybe pay a little more for it, but have a longer lifetime. hth.