whats the difference between a smoke alarm and a smoke Detector?
Try a Smoke Free environment.. Paint the inside of your HOMEat least every 8-years.. I would use Baking Soda in my Carpet Shampoo-er/or just sprinkle the stuff into the carpet and later Shampoo//..also a really strong chemical like-AmmoniumCleaning Product(from the SuperMarket)..can be applied to the carpet(its a dangerous Product because of the FUMES)..but attempt to apply it and leave the HOMEall day.. .. Be sure to cover all electric appliances..and pull all the AC-plugs(120-volt)stuff. ver all TVs..stereo's.. .. If you can actually get ammonium onto the carpet..it will de-odorize in a very BIG way..I suggest NO WOMEN-attempt this..the fumes are very bad.. .. You will also findthat after useing AMMONIUMthe next time you use itthe FUMESare much less..which I think is a indication of a chemical re-action..//..which you do want to eliminate .. The STUFF is real MEANAMMONIUM is very strongbe ready to exit the home.
distance is measured in meters kilometers length of Iraq cm in 1km 10000 mm in cm 10 volume graduated cylinder safety goggles with chemicals mass gram (if not that, then milligram)