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Whats wrong with my gas pedal/throttle body??

I was driving my car all of a sudden it started going much faster i wasnt even pressing on the gas pedal.i pulled over my boyfriend popped the hood saw that my gas line [cable that is hooked up to the throttle body from the gas pedal.?] was disconected or loose.he connected the gas line [not sure what it is exactly called] back to the throttle body it drove fine for a few days,but then it happened to me again,but this time it broke off. so right now,its holding on with masking tape till i can fix it. does anyone know what i am talking about? if so,what is the propper name? and.does anyone know how i can fix? yes,i know i can take it to a car shop,but i cant afford to do that right now IF its going to cost me ALOT of money. i still have to find out if i have a warranty on my car. anyways,do i have to take it in to a shop or can i buy something at like a Pep Boys and buy a part to fix it? i really want people to answer with knowledge of cars or same experience. THANKS!


sounds like maybe the cruise control is some how interferring. I would unhook that control cable.
The part is called THROTTLE LINKAGE or THROTTLE CABLE. Those are specific to each car and you will have to go to the dealer to get the part. Assuming you get the correct part, you should be able to fix it (if you are good with car repair). DON'T DRIVE IT LIKE THAT - especially with MASKING tape. If it accelerates in traffic you WILL get into an accident. Good Luck
there is up to three cables on the throttle. Pedal, cruise control, detent(trans kick down). make sure the cable cannot interfere with the motor and get it to a tech ASAP and if the car does not do what you want it to do just shift to neutral or turn off the key, be safe and Good Luck.

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