My freind is driveing a motorcycle with wires showing on the front tire and the back one looks just as bad! He drives it because it cheep on gas and insurance and his wife needs his truck cuz shes pregnant and you never know she might need to go to the hospital at any time so you know they only have the 2 vehicles. He asked me to look on the net for some tires he gave me the sizes he needs and he don‘t have a lot of money to spend the best prices Iv found so far are 79.95 for a front tire and 119.95 for the back one. I was hoping to find something cheeper does anyone have any suggestions?
For the best answers, search on this site Did the arm actually break, or perhaps is it just slipping? It would take a lot of force to break a wiper arm, so I'm guessing the arm has worked itself loose. There's usually a small nut that holds the arm down, I would try tightening that first.
Here is another place to check out for prices. Southwest Moto Tires Free shipping for two tires or more.
I buy my tires on-line, they beat the stores. Figure out which type you want, the size and compasion shop. It rians here a lot, so I buy Bridgestone Battleaxe wet weather tire. The Brits know rain :-)
bluff mike is correct American Motorcycle Tire is the best, all name brand tires for less than 1/2 the price the motorcycle dealers charge. And you will receive the order in 3 days
fix loose windshield wiper arm