Home > categories > Consumer Electronics > Data Cables > where is sd card in samsung r410 phone? & where can i find samsung r410 data cable?

where is sd card in samsung r410 phone? & where can i find samsung r410 data cable?

i went to the metro pcs store and i asked them for data cable they said there is no data cable for it and where is sd card located in the phone cuz i can't find it


there is a datacable and u need the software for it too jus go onto like yahoo or google and type samsung r410 data cable and software thers a bunch of online cellphone stores that have them n they r pretty cheap too im gettin one in a couple days cuz its the only way to put ringtones n stuff on it ( good luck )
It's behind the battery dude.
type in the full length name of ur phone on google followed by accessories and see what u find.

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