Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > AC Motor > Where is the ac/heater door actuator motor on a 1997 ford E350 van? (V10 6.8L)?

Where is the ac/heater door actuator motor on a 1997 ford E350 van? (V10 6.8L)?

Is this the part that controls wether i get cold or hot air? Please give lots of detail about the location of this part.Thanks


Yes it controls the blend door inside the plynum so its called a blend door acuator.Its either a acuator motor or vacuum controled diaphram thats located in the plynum,basically the giant plastic box mounted inbetween the dash and fire wall near the heater core.Would have to rip up the dash to get to,and would be a good idea to get a chiltons or take it into a shop, its a big job..GL

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