Im looking into getting a new hockey stick. I really like the feel of the Warriors sticks. Should I buy a Dolomite Spyne or an 09 Kronik. Also let me know of your favorite stick. Thanks.
If you want one of those two I would get the 09 kronik. However, you have to consider the flex and the type of curve that fits you best. The stick I like is not used by many but it is great. It is the TPS Response Plus-85 flex-Messier curve. If you can find this stick, try it out because it is actually not that expensive.
I would go with the Kronik any day. The way the stick feels is much better for me and you can really feel the puck on the blade. The Spyne is still a good stick if it fits you better. My personal favorite stick however is the Easton Synergy SE16
wa alaykum salam i definately not able to answer that - you should speak to a sheikh BUT i commented only because i found an APP for iphones 'halal food' its really deatiled . :)