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Why did Barack Hussein Obama refer to dead Americans as &speed bumps&?

Seems he sees them as inconveniences that are slowing down his late night talk schedule.


Burning incense will not make the pot go away. It only masked the smell. Why don't you just go the legal way and buy a hookah. It is smoke, of course the fire alarm will go off.
The sensors in the smoke detector are dirty. Clean them.
Don't leave it! I think you need an electrician to check the house wiring. Burning smells don't happen without cause.
Hard to answer this unless I know more about the smoke detectors. If they are just the battery-powered standalone type of sensor, then there should be no relation to the burning smell. If, on the other hand, the smoke detectors are part of a multiple signaling system (required in new construction in most states), the detectors are hard-wired to a dedicated household circuit, and interconnected - in which case a wiring problem could be causing the burning smell. And as for the smoke alarm being triggered, would also help to know if these are ionization devices (which are better in the case of an actual fire) or photoelectric (which are better at detecting smoldering fires). Sorry for the questions, but otherwise it's hard to get at the issue. If these are the inexpensive standalone smoke detectors, I would check one or more of them and get new ones. If these are built-in hard-wired detectors, then you may have a wiring problem that is causing the smell, and causing the alarm to trip. You may be best served by asking an alarm company to come and check it out. By the way, if you have an alarm system, you should have at least separate smoke detector on the alarm system that is monitored. That way, if a fire happened when you were away, at least the fire department would be notified. Non-monitored smoke detectors are helpful when you are home, and pretty useless when you are not. Hope that is helpful.
i think the best way to fix your problem is to call a technician. in that way he can explain u whats the really cause of the problem. then at the same time, look what he's doing while he fixed it. so that the next time you encounter this problem again, you know how to fix it on your own! good luck!

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