why did my car alarm didnt went off when someone slashed my tyres? thanks?
Yes you can use other types of metal as long as the bolt pattern matches up, as well as wheel width and offset
sure you can use a steel rim. the only thing is that the car came with aluminum but you can use steel if you can find a good set. yes you can use hub caps if you want to. just go to the junk yard and pick out a set of steel rims.
It depends on the type of alarm you have, some will only go off if the doors open or windows break. You might have the sensitivity setting very high, or the tires deflated very slowly. Remember tires don't explode, they will gradually lose air. Slashing your tires might not have been enough or movement for the alarm to go off.
from what i know, car alarms usually go off when there is a impact. Slashing of the tyres won't create enough of an impact if the knife is sharp (unless the person plunges a blunt knife into the tyre) . and usually the alarm is for the protection of the car, not the tyres. Sorry abt the tyres!