i have a 2000 Jetta. I turned on the wipers to remove snow from my windshield and then i heard a sound like something snapped and then the wipers stopped moving. When i try to turn them on i hear the sound of the motor and they do not move or sometimes seem like they‘re bout to work but only move a couple of mm.
Volkswagen Jetta Windshield Wipers
The most likely thing is that you broke the plastic gear drive inside the wiper motor assembly. However, I'd still check the wiper mechanical linkage to make sure that it isn't bent or that a retainer on the linkage didn't break. If you can move the wipers manually by moving the linkage arm that connects to the wiper motor (after the motor has been removed of course), then the plastic drive gear inside the motor is broken. You can check to see if you have power to the motor with a test light or DVOM to determine first if you have an electrical circuit issue. If is possible, but generally unlikely that the relay or even the wiper switch is the problem. Alas, if it turns out to be the motor, all you can do is replace it. Get a used motor from a breakers' (salvage yard) for $25 or so, if you cannot afford a new one. It is fairly easy to replace. From the description that you give, I suspect that it is either a linkage issue or the drive gear inside the motor. PS: Always remove ice and excessive snow before turning on the wipers as the motor is not designed to move heavy amounts of weight from the windshield. I've replaced very motors over the last 35+ years, in most cases, they will outlast the rest of the car!