My 2000 plymouth neon makes a hissing noise as it goes over speed bumps. It has never done this before and a person at a repair shop told me something was leaking in my shocks or struts i can't remember what exactly he said. Also when someone gets into the back seat and sits down, it makes a creak noise underneath that seat, but only in the back. My questions are does this sound like something I should get fixed? Also what else should I be listening/ doing to see if something is wrong with my car suspension? I heard about pushing on the trunk and counting how many bounces my car should do if it is in good condition but I dont know how many it should be?
Hubcaps , chrome adhesive panel tape for the rocker panels, only relish the actuality which you very own between the main good ultimate promoting automobiles ford ever produced. playstation .Daddy in all likelihood has to borrow his Grandma's vehicle to cruise.
Nice CliffHanger but I'd name it something like Missing Jenna. or Babysitting a missing girl. I have written something like this before.
I think A-Rod's best bet is to fill the third base hole in Chicago with the White Sox.
What you did was add an extra layer of reflective material to your windows. The headlights are probably reflecting off your windshield onto your rear window and reflecting again in your mirror. Looks like you might wanna get use to it.