3 precautions while handling sodium hydroxide?
I don't see enough ATF leaking to even worry about it. Just make sure the ATF level is ok and that there is not any sign of leaks forward of the spot you are concerned about. It may be blowing back while driving. I would not be pulling the transmission tail piece off myself if I were you.
Invent a way to use a lightning rod to collect static electricity, then change it to ac or dc energy and store it. You will become a billionaire and be known as the person who solved the energy crisis. Good luck.
back to the rear of the transmission you have a seal ! just tell the parts man what car you have and tell him you need a rear transmission seal ! if you good with cars you can change it yourself ! you need to drop the drive shaft to change it but that,s not hard to do ! after you drop the rear of the drive shaft wrap some electrical tape around the u-joint so the caps won,t come off and lose the roller bearings ! but before you replace the seal oil the rubber lip up so the drive shaft yoke won,t tear the seal !
It could either be the pan gasket or it could be the tail shaft housing cracked. Check for loose bolts on the pan.