a single dive axle tractor has how many rear axles?
depends on if it has a lift axle or not. normally if it has two rear axles then the both are drives. one drives all the time and the other only locks in when you turn on the differentel lock. if the tractor origanal come as a single rear axle you could put on a tag axle or lift axle to give you more weight carring capacity.
If you have a few grand to spend do an SRT4 Swap.
One rear axle with 4 tires and one front axle with 2 tires.
I am assuming you mean single drive axle It could be 1 it could be 2. Drive axle pertains to how many axles have power to it, just as 2wd means power to 2 wheels and 4wd means power to 4 wheels. Forget the lift axles they are dead axles no power they are designed to distribute the weight when needed