My problem is that we have a very large, heavy table saw that my husband wants to keep in the house for fear that it will be stolen. We do not have a garage to put it in, just a fenced in area in the back yard. The fenced area is completely accessible to anyone. Anyhow, I was wondering if there was some sort of inconspicuous alarm sensor that we could attach to the saw that would sound off if anyone tried to move it. I thought about motion sensing lights, but I don't know how effective that would be. I was thinking like maybe a window alarm. We could affix one part of the alarm to a piece of wood or something on the ground and then the other part to the saw??
Separate it from its power source. If it's gone bad - replace it. Hope this helps. 'av'a g'day mate. )
Easy and cheap to replace is a gasoline filter.
Wheel spacers are a bad idea and can be very dangerous. Because they sit between the hub and the wheel, this can cause you to have insufficient stud threads for the lugnuts to hold on, and can cause one or more wheels to come off, usually at the worst possible time like trying to avoid something in the road. Moving the center of the wheels out also puts additional stress on the wheel bearings and hubs, which can cause those to fail. And as an indication of the danger, a friends car almost burned to the ground when a wheel bearing went bad on the highway, it started to catch the grease on fire.