I really want this pallet SO badly, but the price had always stumped me. The reviews on Sephora were all great, but I'd like to hear some cons too, since it is pretty pricey in my opinion. I need some honest reviews on it, so feel free to spill!
First of all it's called a Palatal Expander because it expands your palate. I've never heard of any problems with ones taste buds. The only thing I can think of, is you are rubbing your tongue continuously on the expander causing your tongue to be sore and your taste buds inflamed. I think you need to put in a conscious effort to not rub your tongue on the expander. I know it's hard. Anytime someone gets anything new in their mouth it's only natural for your tongue to go there. After a while you should get used to it and not do it anymore. In the meantime, rinse with salt water 3-4 times a day. If it doesn't go away, go back to your orthodontist. Good luck,