Are your smoke detectors working?
A smoke detector has 3 wires (if connected to the 120v power).the battery back-up continues even if the power is cut off. The power comes from the main panel and should have it's own breaker (or Fuse). You turn this off and then disconnect the wiring and remove the unit. To replace the unit with the same type (120v with battery backup) you connect the white wire to the white (neutral) and black to the incoming power line. the red is used to connect it to the next detector down the line. (cap it off if it is not used). Good Luck, and be Safe ! ! !
Look at the Grand Canyon!!!!11 Now how could you NOT believe that a 600 year old man gathered all the animal species in the world into a boat which didn't have enough space to have all of the correct environmental conditions and diets necessary for them to survive and took care of them for months with the help of only 8 people because an all-powerful all-loving all-knowing God messed up his plan and decided to kill everything?