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axle boot ripped!!!!! Help!!!!?

Hello everyone!!! Today i noticed my axle had a ripped boot only on the left side (driver side) and a lot of people are telling me that i should replace the whole axle right and left. What do you think?? should i replace both??


You should replace the left axle assembly. It is much more economical as the axle assembly has to be removed if servicing is done to the boot. The parts and labour to service the axle, once removed,adds up.Your local auto parts store usually offers rebuilt assemblies at a pretty good price. Good luck.
don't have to replace both. The purpose of the boot is to hold in your oil and grease which keeps the axle happy, you only have to replace the side thats damaged.
smarter to replace whole thing and just about as easy since you dont know how long its been busted and you don tknow how much dirty as got in there for replacing axle smarter than doing the job twice not a hard job to do at home and yes both woul dbe smart as well knowing one is bad the other will not be far behind it

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