Home > categories > Security & Protection > Heat Detector > Can anyone explain Cartwrite's theorem in layman terms?

Can anyone explain Cartwrite's theorem in layman terms?

Her theorem, now known as Cartwright's theorem, gives an estimate for the maximum modulus of an analytic function that takes the same value no more than p times in the unit disc.


Since your rent includes the right to use common areas I am certain that they must be secured. However you won't be able to get the landlord to do anything without threatening to file a law suit. Try being courteous first and if that doesn't work tell him you'll sue his a**.
It is a misaligned door or window contact. If you set your alarm to home mode than no motion detectors are on at that time of morning. The heat will cause the door (or window) to expand every morning causing the false alarm. You need to call a service tec to come realign you contact or replace your contact magnet. P.S. If it is going off when the alarm is not on- you should check the programing and make sure you have it correct. Also have the wiring and batt. checked for lose connections; the morning heat can cause system failure if you have a lose wire.

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