i have just got done writing a book on how to lose up to 36 inch's in under 2 weeks with a secret bodywrap recipe that i have developed and a detox program that my personal training clients love, does anyone know how to write an effective press release. i would be willing to trade a copy of my book for a great press release.
Google sample press release and you will be amazed at the number of websites offering excellent tips. One important tip: keep it very factual. No hype, or the editor will just toss your press release into the wastebasket. If you are going to make such a strong claim, be sure to back it up with facts. How many people have lost weight/inches this way, etc. I just wrote a news release for a terrific pet product that a well-known dog breeder had developed. She has the pedigree to make her claims believable, and a list of supportive testimonials as long as your arm. Good luck to you.