10, 12, anything but more than 5 and less then 15..thanks a bunch
Ok. I have been there. I was 14. Thought because no one liked my boyfriend I decided I wanted a baby and we would have a family. We would start are own family. and than he thought I was pregnant, got scared and broke up with me. Thankfully I wasn't but later I relized how stupid of an idea it was. Just think ahead. Not about being pregnant but the baby. getting up three times in the night. Not going to school cause you need a job. never getting higher than minimum wage jobs because you didnt go to college and making it worse for your kid. I'm not judging you, im telling to the conclusion I came to that might have happened to me! Go online. Look up prices for dippers. not the cheapest ones either. now thats about ten dippers a day, 7 days a week, four weeks out of the month, 12 months in the year. now do the same for formula, buying new clothes. the baby shower will not cover them they get older and need new cloths. they grow out of them every few months. now add about 500 a month for food for you and your boyfriend. plus rent about 700 a month, plus 100 a month for electricity. plus gas. thats not including anything fun you might think of doing. you're 14. you cant get a job yet. go to watch 16 and pregnant. see how their lives change and they have considerably more life experience than you.
The best thing I've found for brass and copper is a powdered cleanser called Barkeeper's Friend. It's cheap and you can get it in a lot of grocery, hardware and discount stores like Wal-Mart. Just dampen the metal to be cleaned with some water, sprinkle the cleanser, smear the cleanser around to coat the object and walk away for about 5 minutes to let the product work. Then a good scrubbing with a sponge with a nylon scrubber, rinse and dry with a soft cloth. If the brass is really bad it might take a couple of treatments.
do a 5 paragraph essay 1. intro 2. description of safety stuff 3. how to use safety stuff 4. what happens if you don't 5. conclude Or you could just group 2-4 into 1 paragraph but split it up into 3 paragraphs based on safety equipment categories like headgear, body wear, and other.