so my laptop is new. i tried to install a webrocket from tmobile to access internet which changed all my settings on my laptop. but the internet could not connect bc the administrative system is blocking it. it says you do not have permission to use this and stuff like that. i cant open a lot things on my laptop now like solitaire or make a new user account on control panel.i tried to reset the system by reinstalling windows but admin sys is blocking that too.i need to know how i can access the admin system and change it's settings. PLEASE HELP!!!!
pee on it every day there are lots of good chemicals in pee (nitrogen) etc Paul
use fish emulsion 1 cap per gal. of water.
any exposed screws on the sides the door knob any windows unlocked any bobby pins around to pick the lock with IDK good luck
Use lots of grow lights spaced at least 4ft. from plant. Use an oscillating fan so the plant doesn't get to hot and wilt. Reflective materials such as aluminum foil increase light production and disperse heat more evenly. Keep constant light until buds are produced. Then switch to 12 hr. on off cycles of lighting. For a bushier plant with more buds you should snip the top bud when the plant starts getting about 2-3 ft. tall. The best fertilizer by far is chicken poop mixed with distilled water. You can get this from most chicken houses for free or very cheep. Keep the soil moist but avoid too much water. Make sure your planter allows for proper drainage. Happy growing!