So I'm around firefighters on a weekly basis, but I'm not quite caught up on the terminology yet :) What are the differences between engines, ladders, platforms, pumpers, tankers, etc. and what are each used for?
Let me ask you a question. Why do feel compelled to bother other people from different faiths? Doesn't your own faith require that each person perfect his own soul? Surely you aren't perfect. Doesn't it also teach to do unto others as you would have them do unto you? Would you like it if every religion came knocking on your door, asking if you found allah, krishna, buddha, ra, horus, cupid, diana, venus, mithras, vulcan, etc etc etc. We Jews have been hearing this stupidity for 3,500 years. When do you think you are going to give us a break? How long to we have to refute your stupid ignorant claims? And here's what really stinks, if I successfully refute you, there are millions behind you waiting their turn to take a crack at the stubborn G-d-less Jew. Get a life.
LOL! What you were never told by your pastor Phoenix M - high five, dude. Great answer. EDIT: 'if jesus didnt fulfill it god was lying!' No, He wasn't. Your Bible is not His word. 'Jesus miracles were performed in the open and served to validate his claims.' Did you see them? Neither did anyone else who wrote the Bible. That's like writing that I can levitate from my chair. What sucker is going to believe it? Well, you, obviously. 'JEsus Christ fulfilled 456 identifiable prophecies in the the tanakh.' There are only 16 prophecies, sucker. 'the chances of fulfilling 48 of those alone is impossible.' You're right! It's mathematically impossible to fulfill 48 out of 16 prophecies. 'but the crusher is daniel 9:24-27 which CLEARLY are messianic and talk about a new covenat [sic] before the destruction fo the 2nd temple.' Clearly to who? To you! And to anyone else who chooses to remain ignorant. Alas, that is your right. 'and everyone knows Isaiah 53' You mean following Isaiah 52, which is VERY clearly talking about ISRAEL? Go back and count - Israel is called a 'servant' at least a dozen times. If you want to believe they're talking about Jebus, you have to take it out of Isaiah and move it somewhere else. THE TORAH EXPLICITLY CONDEMNS A-L-L HUMAN SACRIFICE. Missionary, WE DON'T NEED YOUR PRAYER. We need your RESPECT. LEARN HEBREW AND COME BACK IN A FEW YEARS, ASK THIS QUESTION AGAIN. First, take a good look at the links below. Also, I'd like to thank you. The more idiots that come to me and tell me I'm wrong when I've been studying for the past 20 years, and they're right, the stronger I grow in my CORRECT, COMPLETE, FULFILLING, JEWISH, faith. EDIT AGAIN: Again, proof of your ignorance of Hebrew. 'Elohim' in the Bible is not plural. -im is a Hebrew plural, but it's also affixed to singular nouns of importance.
howUntil you are prefect in your religion, don't think that you have a right or ability to try to convert anyone else. ' i just tried it out at barnes and noble. (he still doesnt believe lol) but i did good for being nervous.' I am sad for you that you would be so unkind and intrusive. 'they dont believe anything is the Word of God except the torah (first 5 books)' That is correct. The 1st 5 Books of Moshe Rabbeneu are the direct words of G-d. In it He tells the Jews not to fall for false prophets. To a Jew, Jesus Christ is a false prophet. He fulfilled none of the requirements for the Messiah and his death on the cross, claiming to die for the sins of Mankind, is an abomination to G-d and Judaism. so i told him how that all points to jesus too but i didnt feel like i was getting anywhere and i was nervous. That is not true. All parts of the Christian Old Testament that Christians use to try to convert Jews are false and misleading translations. Again, trying to convert a Jew is an act of aggression and insult on your part. I hope to G-d you never act so badly again in your life.
You again! You know what, I'm willing to lay any bet down you choose that you will never convert any Jewish person. You are doing very badly already with the Jews on this site; have any Jews said Oh, you're right. I repent! Praise Jesus! I don't think so. If you are so anxious to convert Jews, try going to a synagogue on a Saturday morning and witness to the congregants entering the synagogue. See what happens! Confronting people in bookstores is easy and still you failed; why don't you try what I suggested?
It sounds to me like a lot of people are getting away with living dangerously. I certainly wouldn't advise putting a blanket over any kind of a heater. I'm wondering why you would want to put a blanket over the heater anyway? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of having the heater on?