Does anybody know if some dvd disk's only last so long i have some that no longer play?
Resin is much like plastic. It's different chemical components combined to make a solid. Harry Potter's wands were wood like sticks.
haha, the reason locks *i tend to leave the dread part out* have such a bad reputation is in large part due to what most people had seen in the past 30-40 years with hippys with long dreads that would look one color than be black with dirt in them who did god knows what to get it stuck in their hair, that and because rarely you see a homeless man with one large congo'd dread that looks disgusting. also it could be because certain religious sects which command that you never cut or style your hair *I.E: the Nazarene* can tend to look dirty, however even they rarely look as dirty as some peoples who look as if they intentionally slung dirt in their hair, now in todays society, we know that clean hair dreads the fastest, however much time is still needed before your hair resembles actual dreads. I originally back combed and waxed my dreads a long time ago, I do not recommend you use wax it prevented areas of hair from dreading and is not needed nor does it help the dread to mature faster, rather it smoothed the hair over to hide frizzys which can be substituted with pure aloe vera there is no true Best Method, Naturals tend to be the most content with their journey since they only ever see their hair progress and form, as someone who back combed I would say that after my friend ,who used a method called Twist N Rip, started hers, Hers looks better initially, or you could try a back combing/ crochet method where you back comb the hair and use a crochet needle to blunt the tips to give he tidiest look. regardless you can try this website I've been going to for information and questions since I started my dreads, it has been very helpful to me *edit* and I originally lathered my hair with soap once a week but got it wet every day, now I can wash my hair as often as I please, the website I linked has good threads about washing, especially about using a self made wash with baking soda