If you ran WWE Creative how wiuld you break up The Shield? Include: leading up to the break up, how they breakup, the fallout after, and which one of the 3 would go farther in the company than the other 2. Most creative answer gets 10pts!
2inch Pipe will be the size of the pipe bore.
im a 87 laffer pixie dust no trap big magnet opera wedding cloud safe and i can CFO and VP we can be tf send me your sf code and i can help you with toontasks
I would save up. Dont go cheap on something that is for your safety. Your life is more important.
Neither. It's an identifier that allows you to get the same size using the same identifier for any schedule of pipe. The tables in the link will show you what the actual sizes are, such as 2 PVC, which in any schedule is 2.375 in outside diameter, but obviously different inside diameter between schedule sizes. 2 PVC of ANY schedule (including fittings) will allow for assembly to any other 2 PVC , but they do not measure 2 in any direction. It's just the identifier for that size. Al Edit: For those (including licensed plumbers) that don't believe it, simply take out your tape measure and measure a piece of 2 PVC, and if that gives you a reading of 2 od, you need to visit the optometrist. It's also just as easy to look it up in the link I've provided. It does NOT measure 2 in any direction, nor do other sizes actually match their trade sizes. Look at the link if you doubt me!! Al