i have a floor that is in an older house that would like to tile. Unfortunately, it has a swell in the center of about two inches from when the house settled. Does anyone know of a commercial levelling product i can just trowel on to level the floor so the tile will lay flat? The ease of use is a big factor, i like things simple. Thanks.
to raise your whole floor with leveling compound will take alot of work, and money... if its the subfloor I would suggest replacing that part of the floor.. if you are putting it over a hardwood, or laminate floor.. you could cut that part of the floor out, and spend way less leveling just that part of the floor. don't bother with leveling your whole floor it will cost a buttload. (call local flooring company, and have them come out and check it out to give you other ideas)
as pumken said there are floor levelling cements, you mix them to the consistency of, like jello pudding and you just pour it on the floor. it's considered to be self levelling, but may need a little help the problem is it's expensive (27$ a bag) and to raise part of a floor 2 is going to cost, and cost large, it might be easier and cheaper to remove and repair the hump area only break-up and remove the offending area, do a patch job on it and finish it the levelling cement, so it will match the existing or remaining area at least regular cement/concrete mix is only 6 $ a bag
As mentioned by Reno, a pourable self-leveling material offers the easiest solution. However if your 2 inch estimate is correct, it may exceed the allowable thickness recommended by the manufacturer. The cost may also be extensive. If the floor is accessible underneath I would investigate the reason for such a great amount of settling. It may be fixable from underneath. We all like things easy but take the time to do it right or the problem will only get bigger.
If the swell is not too big, you can use a floor leveling compound. It's easy (I know that, because I've used it LOL). It is a fairly thin liquid you pour. Let it set for the time period on the instructions. Do your flooring. I know one of these is called level best. Home Depot, Lowes, or a flooring (retail) store should have it. Good luck