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How are hand powered tools classified into class I, class II, class III?

How are hand powered tools classified into class I, class II, class III?


Nowadays, class I hand held power tools are virtually discontinued. The class II hand-held electric tools are widely used. Class II hand held electric tools are generally used on special occasions such as wet environments, metal containers, etc..
Simple methods are: hand-held electric tools for metal shell for class I. The plastic case is of the type ii. Class III uses safe voltage.
Class I protection against shock of the product depends not only on the basic insulation of the equipment, but also on additional safety precautions. The method is to connect the electrically conductive parts that may be touched with the protective wires in the installed stationary lines so that the accessible, electrically conductive parts are not electrified in the event of basic insulation damage. Such products are: hand-held power tools, mobile daily appliances, mobile mechanical and electrical equipment.

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