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How can I access my computers bios?

I know i have to reboot the system, and press somthing at the right time, but my boot up is too fast and I can't read the screen to see what button it says. I'm trying to access the bios so i can overclock my graphics card. There's 2 screens that I see before the windows loading, the first screen shows my graphics card info, and the next is the screen that gives my other information and also has the boot from disc feature. which screen do I access the bios from and what do i press to do it?


You ask what all of a sudden has happened to cause Obama to Make Wright a whipping boy for a Vote Did you miss the part where Wright turned on Obama and attempted to destroy his campaign? I didn't.
First off dont leave the house unattended before the pipe thaws it may have burst and the ice is blocking the flow . Secondly you can wrap heat tape around the pipe and insulate it , the tape will activate at temps below 2C and prevent it from freezing . Lastly if you can reroute that pipe out of the attic and you wont have this problem .
Three options: 1) buy a new one 2) move the one you have to an area that's not so close to the source of the smoke 3) quit using your toaster :)
Go to your local fire station. There are detectors made just for kitchens. They'll know where you can get them.

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