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How do people who dont eat, get as skinny as they do, if when ANYTHING you eat turns into fat because your ?

body is in starvation mode?so yyou are trying to tell me that all these celebritys that dont eat ANYTHING?im sure they eat somthing but like 1 meal a day, and im sure that dosnt all trun into fati dont no im not buying this quot;Starvation Modequot;bssome one explaione how they get skinny like they do and why


I hope you realize theres more to a celebrity's life than just making money and not eating.they have specialized personal trainers you know, same goes with models, they also have experts recommend what to add to their dietThey just keep that under the blankets so you think they are natural perfectionsI will agree with the Starvation Mode and it's sketchiness thoughNow, don't get me wrong, Starvation Mode can actually happen, however, I believe it's dramatizedThe only time it would actually kick in is if your body is in ACTUAL constant hunger mode, I emphasize actual because sometimes people are hungry.but they are only hungry for a snack, which could be satisfied from a glass of water rather than a chocolate bar and popAs for skinny people, fact is, they could simply have smaller stomaches, and just don't feel as hungry all the time, or they eat foods that give them a feeling full effect, such as proteins and fibres (which are RARELY found in commercialized snacks and foods now a days)Another factor could be that they just have a very fast metabolism, which comes with genetics Just because someone is skinny doesn't mean they aren't eating, there are lots of factors that can be influencing their weightSuch as exercise, and healthy foodsHope that answered your question.
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