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How do recessed radiators work? My neighbor said it's not a good idea to add more insulation to my walls?

He said something like, with recessed radiators it's supposed to heat the space between the drywall and the exterior of my home and create a warm blanket around my house. Still sounds like a waste of energy to me, and I'm cold and want to blow in some insulation, because there doesn't seem to be any! The guy who gave me a quote on the insulation said he'll do my whole 2 story home, walls and attic, for $1500, which compared to the cost of oil, sounds good to me! But he did look at our radiators and asked us if they were recessed, but didn't have a response when we said yes they were, so maybe my neighbor's right. Any smart people out there know better?


What type of mouse are you using? Does it have a ball on the bottom? Have you ever cleaned the ball and the contacts? Are you using an optical mouse? If so, what material is it sitting on. White materials and reflective materials can cause it to not work properly. The other thing that could be a problem are the batteries this effect could be a sign that they will soon need to be replaced. Next, do you have to option to uninstall its software and reinstall it? Have you checked for any updates issued by the creator of your mouse? If the mouse problem is still occurring it may be time to get a new one.
The landlord is required to supply you a smoke detector, but it's up to you to check the batteries , and test it to make sure it's working properly. If it's that big of an issue and cant get the Landlord to respond, Call the fire department and they will come out and install a new smoke detector free of charge.

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