also can you smoke it if it comes from a pop can or does the metal effect it some how
The first answer is definitely wrong. Water pipe is NOT much more conductive and while thin wall conduit has more room inside, rigid metal conduit, which can't be bent (easily) is the same standard as water pipe as the second answer states. I would expect that using water pipe would require considerable care that it did not have a sharp inner edge at the ends which I hope would be removed in stuff sold as conduit to avoid cutting the wire insulation.
Building codes require that gas appliances be installed with necessary venting and adequate fresh air so they will not be a danger to the occupants of the house, human and dog. If your water heater is installed up to code, it shouldn't be a problem with him sleeping in the same room,,, however, do not put a flammable object, such as a blanket, next to a gas water heater or you may wake up in the middle of the night with your house burning down.
Go to the Consumer Product Safety Commission's website. Search for electric blankets. The one You should write to the manufacturer and the company who sold it to you. You might consider suing the manufacturer in small claims court for replacing your mattress if it was damaged and repairing the smoke damage to your bedroom if there was any.
haha thats freakin i wud