Could I get some explanations as to how a fire extinguisher works? Some of the questions I have include:What is the material inside the canister that snuffs the fire?How is this material propelled at such a high velocity?What about this material makes it a more effective fire retardant than water?How is the canister pressurized?Thanks.
This is something that can vary with each municipality but a quick awnser for you call the local fire dept . they are in charge of code enforcement regarding commercial structures and will give you a proper awnser based on local regulations
these are likely to be Fordyce Spots they are completely harmless and are not contageous. It is very common in men and is nothing to be worried about.
alot of ppl have them while there goin thru puberty so just chill aint nun wrong
It depends on how you want to answer the question. Your average male is faster and stronger than your average female, although there are female athletes who can outdo your average male and there are out of shape males who can't even do one push up or run a mile without stopping. There are medical issues like menstruation to deal with. There are other hygienic issues to think about. It is not to say females can't be good combatants but the way your average person is built men are usually more suited for combat. You will have people who will say otherwise. Either way you look at it, even if you have a star athlete female who could max the Army APFT on the 17-21 male scale she still won't be able to join a combat arms job because it would require Congress to change the rules. As long as there are people out there who would vote out of office any politician who would be willing to put a female in a job that is currently for males only there won't be a politician who will try it.
Speed bumps! Jay - you appear to be describing Pearly Penile Papules around the corona at the back of the *head* of the penis rather than the foreskin -