my caps lock works for the letters as you see in the title, but when I have it on the numbers don't get bigger, just stay the same. I tried to use num lock but that doesn't work either. I'm thinking about getting a new computer if this keeps on. help.
No. I have an alarm clock on the bedside table but I rarely use it. I find that my internal alarm is more reliable, always waking me up at 5.30 am or 6 am on week days without fail. My 'experiences' with alarm clock aren't very good. There was once I used this alarm clock; set the time and went to bed. In the middle of the night the clock stopped and the arm never reached the time it was supposed to wake me up! Another time the alarm clock functioned but the ringing tone malfunctioned! You know the saying, if you want to get the job done right, you gotta do it yourself. So now I rely on my body clock. On weekends it wakes me up not later than 7 am. Does that make me a robot?
No, but that's a great idea as I have trouble getting outta bed in the morning. That snooze button is my downfall!!!
Yes, but I end up throwing something at it to knock it down and that in turn shuts it off. LOL
Nope, my alarm clock is next to my bed. I know I have to get up and go to work.
Andrew Jackson was famous for breeding and racing thoroughbreds. He raced his thoroughbred Indian Queen at the first horse race in Tennessee at Gallatin, Tennessee in 1804. He was also the last president to race horses in the capitol. When he first joined the fight of the revolutionary war at age 13, he rode a wild pony. I could not find what kind of horse he rode later on.