Does the Police have rights to press Charges even if you tell them you don't want charges pressed?
Depends on what the crime was? If it was a personal assault, punch in the face, something against you, than probably not. But if involved someone else, property, the public, created a scene, etc than they have the option of pressing charges. However, someone who goes to court to witness what happened can always say I fell, they could deny it. But if the crime doesn't depend on your testimony, than the prosecutor can press charge if he wants to.
For cases of Domestic Violence, we always press charges, even without the cooperation of the victim. It's a state law here.
Yes, But this will depend on the type of charge. For example, Criminal Domestic Violence can be prosecuted without the victim's having to testify on behalf of the state. Whether the victim wants charges or not, a person can still be charged.
Yes, often the district attorney's office will press charges of their own. The reason being, many people get the police involved, use their time and their power and then afterwards, want the whole thing to just go away. For certain crimes, them pressing charges is appropriate. They broke the law, law enforcement has been made aware; they just can't let them go because you are willing to forgive them.
yea, you seem like one of the people cops often deal with. girlfriends that get beat up and then feel bad for pressing charges. now im not saying its your situation im saying this kinda stuff they get all the time. just keep in mind that first of yes they could and giving people second chance after they hurt you does not end pretty...