These are attached to an old slate electrical panel. There are many nooks and crannys. I tried the steel wool and copper cleaner paste but it will take forever to clean it this way. There are about 100 pull switches.
To effectively clean it you will have to first remove it from the electrical panel. Then you can wet it, sprinkle with salt and then scrub with half a lemon. Rinse well and pat dry. For a brilliant lasting shine, use MAAS silver polish. It will preserve the shine for a very long time. A toothbrush or q-tip can be used to get in those hard to navigate places. I used this stuff on my wedding goblets that are silver and gold and they still look great 3 years later!!!!
I use lemon juice to clean the copper spout on my water fountain. That works pretty good. I suppose you could put some in a spray bottle and try it.