I know that a fire hose could hurt somebody me and my partners at the station wanted to see what the communtiy thought about this idea! thanks for the repsonses to my last question and dont ever takin firefighting and the tools as a joke
Nail Polish remover is usually just acetone, a couple of inert ingredients, and fragrance. Just wash and dry it as you would normally. Just remember, Nail salons have to do laundry all the time. If nail polish remover were that hazardous there probably would be far fewer salons. Everything will be fine. Though next time, you might want to do your nails on a level surface.
Wow I was definitely thinking you were going to say you found porn or something. Um, wow. Yeah, I thought seeing a text from a girl thanking my boyfriend for a good time on in the back of his car was bad. This is just yeah. I would say just be blunt and honest with him. Say something like I saw a video on your phone of you and another man masturbating I'm really confused. Could you please explain this to me. That's the best way I can think you would get any kind of reaction. Just so you know, he will probably be very embarrassed by this so PLEASE don't freak out on him or yell at him about it. It will be humiliating enough with out you making it worse. But you need to be honest. Ask him in a private place and preferably when you both have plenty of time that way you can openly discus this just between you two and where you both have plenty of time to explain yourselves. If he goes on about how hurt he is you went through his phone, accept that as your fault and don't try to put blame on him by saying something like Well, if you weren't being so sneaky I wouldn't have done it! Instead just say You're right, it was wrong of me to go through your phone, but I am still confused as to what I saw. I need an explanation. Also, like other people suggested, get an STD test A.S.A.P!