
Is Venom a black metal band?

I've seen them be just labeled simply as heavy metal but they were considered by some to be an early black metal band and they even had an album titled Black Metal. Are they actually a black metal band or were they just very influential to black metal?


Ionic Compounds And Metals
ok so substances can be classified into a structure. two of them are METALS and IONIC COMPOUNDS, metals are ions with delocalised electrons (e.g. copper), while ionic compounds are metal bonded with a non metal e.g. (copper chloride) comparison: -metals conduct electricity and heat, while ionic don't (this is due to the metals have free moving electrons which carry charge and heat, while ionic compounds do not, as the particles are fixed) -metals are malleable and ductile, while ionic are brittle (this is due to the metals have delocalised electrons, so you can move them and the electrons will just find another cation to attract to, while ionic compounds have a cation for every anion, so if you break this attraction, and move it... they will repel, thus making it brittle) -metals and ionic compounds both have high melting and boiling points due to the strong electrostatic and metallic bonds. -metals will be lustrous (due to delocalised electrons,) while ionic compounds will not be.
This Site Might Help You. RE: Comparing pure metals and ionic compounds? Compare the properties of the pure metal with the properties of the ionic compounds, which are a metal boned to a nonmetal.

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