Also other type of metal bands to
almost everything nowadays cars, roads ,bridges, houses, skyscrapers, cookware all of the electronics we use the list goes on and on
Following are the some uses of Metals: - Metals are good conductors mainly in electrical appliances and for carrying an electric with little energy lost. Thermal conductivity of metal is valuable for containers to heat materials over a flame. Metal is used for heat sinks to protect sensitive equipment from overheating. The high reflectivity of some metals is important in the construction of mirrors, including precision astronomical instruments. This last property can also make metallic jewellery aesthetically appealing. Some metals have specialized uses; radioactive metals such as uranium and plutonium are used in nuclear power plants to produce energy via nuclear fission.
Metals can be used for nearly anything. Building nearly any item, from toys to weapons, buildings to ships. Metals are also excellent conductors of energy, and because of this, are used in nearly all circuts, electrical devices, etc. A great deal of metals are also present (and some are neccesary) in the human body, including copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, nickel, cobalt....and many, many others. I might be able to give you more specific answers if I knew what metal (or metals) you are looking for.