Home > categories > Automotive & Motorcycle > Auto Lighting System > my bmw 1988 528e is dying my battery. I have replaced my battery as well as my alternator?

my bmw 1988 528e is dying my battery. I have replaced my battery as well as my alternator?

my bmw 1988 528e is dying my battery. I have replaced my battery as well as my alternator?


Simple answer, difficult repair. Something in the auto's electrical system is either staying on when it should be off, or an electrical wire is exposed and touching metal. To find out what, you have to test every electrical system. Lights, signals, horn, radio, cigarette lighter, parking lights, everything. If you don't find fault in any of those, then you have to trace each wire to each system. You might want to find out where the auto's 'wiring harness' is located. Usually under a seat or something. You might find the location if you have an owners manual. Check out the harness first. Another old time trick: At night, open the hood - ignition key on - car in park - emergency break on. With the hood open, step on the front bumper to rock the car. Rock the car real good. If you see any sparks anywhere around the engine or from any wire, then you've found the defective electrical wire. (you do this procedure at night because in daylight you cannot see a spark. Also, you might hear the electrical short and not see it) Good Luck.
something is on/whether its the glove box light or trunk light or a live relay for something else/you need bmw garage to run tests with their equipment/
The electrical system in this vehicle is not that complex. But you wil need external amp probe to monitor the amp draw in the vehicle. Gaining acsess to the fuse pannel. Remove fuse one by one until draw no longer is present. This way you find what circut the draw is on. From there you find a wirring diagram and unplug the diffrent things on the circut. Clamp on amp probe availible at auto parts store cheap. Since this is a older vehicle anything over 100ma is to much.

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