my printer is pulling the paper to the right and not feeding it properly.?
have always wanted to grow my hair long and i found these tips to work 1.deep condition often. once a month or once a week depending on how damaged your hair is .you can use coconut oil,found at local drug store, or even olive oil. your hair looovves these oils they just soak it up! 2.take vitamins i have used folic acid,biotin,and hair skin and nails, also found at walmart. your hair will also be softer and more managable 3. diet you want to use a lot of protien your hair is protien so as you imagine it will give your hair a natural boost 4. brushing habbits. i dont brush my hair at all if its wet no matter what brush i used i loose a bunch of hair and that doesnt help my thin hair.but if you must then use a wide tooth comb and CAREFULLY CAREFULLY make sure the hair isnt being tugged 5. hair products use shampoo that has no sulfate and when you shampoo gently massage your scalp to stimulate hair growth you also might want to invest in argon oil to add essential oils to your hair and leave in conditioners ,heat protectants and so forth. i have found you tube to be very helpfu in times of need so check it out! also stay away from dying your hair to much or to light this will damage your hair good luck!:) i also have super thin hair! i have found you tube to be super helpful!! learning how to do dutch and french braids help in making styles more cute! one of my favorites is starting a dutch braid from my bangs and wrapping it around to the other side of my head to creat a low side bun!
No I don't but I live in an apartment building where the only way in the building is with a key and the people here are pretty good for not letting strangers in the building. I feel pretty safe here. We had a security alarm system at my old work (dental office) and they were useless. The alarm would be going off over half an hour before they would even call. If it happened when nobody was at the office they called our receptionist (emergency contact) and asked her to go down and check it out. WTH? If you want to get one I would seriously talk to others in the area and find out who they use and how they feel about it.
Drink a lot of water, eat a lot of red meat, fish and veggies. Try and get all your vitamins and DON'T FORGET THE WATER!!!