which of these is the correct sequence of step of safety complete the investigation? a) 1-3-4-2b) 3-2-1-4c) 4-1-3-2d) 2-3-1-4
THE SCREAMING MEANIE!!!! It was designed for long distance truckers, but it'll work for u! Visit the link below for more info and how to get one.
The truckers use something called a screaming meemee. It is so loud that its scary. you can buy them at your local truckstop. good luck.
Could try this - although a bit extreme - put a speaker under your bed facing up. Hook your receiver to a timer (like for lights). Set your wake-up time on the timer, and make sure the receiver's power is on before plugging it in to the device. You can set the volume loud this way, although you make startle others around you. I gave this advice to a customer of mine and he told me later it worked great. Also, companies who have products for the hearing impaired have some neat devices for alarm clocks. Different pillow speakers and vibration devices.
If you drive over speed bumps-It shouldn't hurt your tires-It could hurt your struts,springs-No steering stuff -only suspension!
I turn the alarm clock on my cell phone for high and vibarate, and choose an annoying ringtone. I also change the ring tone often, so I don't get used to the same sound and it the sounds continue to surprise. Plus, try putting your alarm on the opposite side of your bedroom, so you have to get out of bed to turn it off.