I have never shipped any packages. I heard that if you ship priority mail that the boxes are free. Is that true? Also, can i go to the post office and get the boxes and then put whatever I need to send at home and then come back and get the postage and send?Thank you.Oh and the packages are for various things. Example: cell phones, games (video systems and games)
not the most thought through plan. Got a chuckle out of me at least.
That's a bright idea. Unfortunately Laws of Displacement doesn't allow that. We live in a crust floating on a liquid medium, right? Global warming is not only about melting ice. It's global heating, including the atmosphere on top of us. What we need is the umbrella that most politicians use when they are in trouble, wink, wink. Honestly, earth is just flexing it's skin, to reduce the existence of carbon base morons.
The amount of water locked up the polar ice caps is so incredibly immense it would be far, far, FAR too big to ever store up in containers. We're talking about thousands of cubic kilometers here. The polar ice caps are the largest reservoirs of fresh water in the world, several times as big as all the lakes, rivers, ponds, puddles, clouds, artificial containers and underground aquifers in the world COMBINED, and in terms of water storage are outweighed only by the oceans themselves. If we wanted to slow down global warming, there are much cheaper ideas. One thing people have suggested is white paint. Just get a whole lot of white powder and fly some airplanes back and forth across, say, the Sahara Desert, or the siberian tundra, and it might be possible to increase the Earth's albedo enough to make things a little cooler. Even more effective would be to genetically engineer a type of light-colored algae that likes to live at the surface of the water, and then release it into the ocean, again to increase the reflectiveness of the Earth's surface and radiate more light back into space before it heats anything up. Then, if we wanted to get rid of the algae later, we could just make sure we had a bacterium or other life form stored up in a laboratory that would eat it and kill it, and release that into the ocean to clean up any mess we created. Another, even more wild idea that would probably still be cheaper than your giant water containers thing would be space shades. If we got some very thin plastic-like reflective material and built some giant satellites out of it, we could send them into space and block off the Sun, casting parts of the Earth into shadow and allowing the Earth to cool down (because the shaded areas will still be radiating infrared off into space).
locking differentials, also called limited slip differentials lock both axles in case one wheel starts spinning,, cannot find some pics or vids for you, but you might check the source for detailed explanation,,,,
This is so dumb and unworkable on so many levels it's not even worth refuting.